Leavitt Street Neighborhood Greenway

Leavitt Street Neighborhood Greenway

View of street with person biking in designated marked lane against the direction of vehicle traffic.

CDOT has installed a Neighborhood Greenway on Leavitt Street from Diversey Street to Berwyn Avenue. The project was made possible through partnership with the 32nd, 40th, and 47th Wards.

Project Goals

  • The project provides a continuous, family-friendly bikeway through the Lincoln Square and North Center community areas and provides a low-stress alternative to walking and biking on nearby Western and Damen Avenues. 
  • Where Leavitt is one-way, contraflow bike lanes were installed to allow two-way biking.
  • The greenway provides connections to the Berwyn, Berteau, and School/Roscoe Neighborhood Greenways, protected bike lanes on Diversey (installation in 2024), and other bikeways on Lawrence, Wilson, Montrose, Belmont, and Clybourn. 
  •  The project includes a 20 MPH speed limit along with bike-friendly speed humps and concrete curb extensions.
  • Additionally, patching and repaving work was completed to ensure a smooth riding surface for all users.
Infrastructure Highlights

  • 20 MPH speed limit
  • Bike-friendly speed humps
  • Concrete curb extensions
  • Patching and repaving work will ensure a smooth riding surface for all users.
Project Location

Leavitt Street from Diversey Street to Berwyn Avenue.


