Detached Frame Garage
Terms and Conditions for Detached Frame Garage
New construction
Work authorized by this permit must comply with the General Terms and Conditions for New Construction and Temporary Structures.
Detached garages only
The garage built under this permit may not be attached to another building or structure. A garage can only contain a single room or space. That room or space must be intended primarily for the storage of vehicles and cannot include living space.
Residential zoning only
This permit is only valid for a lot in a residential (R) zoning district. You must confirm the zoning district of the property using the Chicago Zoning Map before applying for this type of permit.
Location on lot
The garage built under this permit must have the outside faces of its exterior walls located at least 2 feet away from the property’s lot lines and as further described in the permit application. Eaves, gutters, and other elements that project beyond the outside face of the exterior walls must be at least 20 inches (1 foot 8 inches) away from side property lines.
The garage built under this permit must be capable of storing at least one passenger car, including clear floor space of at least 18 feet long by 8 feet wide, vehicular access from an alley or driveway, and a vehicular door.
Foundation type
The garage built under this permit must use a concrete slab-on-grade foundation or other type of foundation that does not require excavation deeper than 5 feet below existing grade. A garage with any other type of foundation requires a plan-based building permit application.
Frame construction
The garage built under this permit must use conventional light-frame wood or light-gauge metal construction as described in the Chicago Building Code. Any other type of construction (such as brick or concrete block walls) requires a plan-based building permit application.
Construction tolerances
As-built dimensions (outside dimensions, height, and distances from lot lines) may not vary by more than 6 inches from the dimensions provided in the permit application. Work that does not meet this requirement at the time of inspection must be rebuilt to be consistent with the permit at the contractor or owner’s expense.
Single level
The garage built under this permit may not include a storage loft, mezzanine, or attic. A multi-level or multi-story garage requires a plan-based building permit application.
Roof type
The garage built under this permit must have either a gable or hip roof, as stated on the permit application. It may not have a flat or low-sloped roof (less than 2:12), mansard roof, or gambrel roof. A garage with a type of roof other than hip or gable requires a plan-based building permit application.
Electrical work
Electrical work must comply with the Terms and Conditions for Electrical Work.
No heating or air-conditioning equipment
The garage built under this permit may not include any type of heating or air-conditioning equipment. A garage with heating or air-conditioning equipment requires a plan-based building permit application.
Natural ventilation
Natural ventilation openings must be provided as stated on the permit application.
No plumbing work
No plumbing work is allowed under this permit. The garage built under this permit may not include any new plumbing, water connection, or sewer connection. A garage with new plumbing or plumbing connections requires a plan-based building permit application.
Roof drainage
Roof drainage and downspouts must be designed and installed to discharge stormwater onto the same property, without spilling over onto adjacent properties or into a public alley or street.
Effective November 6, 2023
Revised September 16, 2024