95th Street Corridor Plan

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95th Street Corridor Plan


Initiated in early 2023, the 95th Street Corridor Plan is seeking to foster equitable Transit-Oriented Development (eTOD) along 95th between Halsted Street and Cottage Grove Avenue. The study is moving forward through a community-driven process that will result in recommendations and goals to guide corridor growth. Topic areas will include land uses, urban design, and policies to foster vibrant and transit-oriented mixed-use improvements. Once finalized in late 2024, the plan could be presented to the Chicago Plan Commission for formal adoption.

Anchored by the CTA Red Line station at its center and a Metra Electric Line station on the east, the two-mile long study area is characterized by low-scale commercial and residential buildings and Chicago State University, which includes multiple institutional facilities and open spaces. Most blocks adjacent to the corridor are comprised of owner-occupied, single-family homes.

In helping to foster equitable access to new development projects served by trains and buses, the plan will build upon previous community efforts to improve Washington Heights and Roseland, as well as nearby portions of Chatham, Burnside and Pullman.

The $1 million study is being funded primarily through a federal transit grant and City of Chicago funds. The planning process is being administered by the Chicago Department of Planning and Development (DPD) and the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) in conjunction with AECOM, an infrastructure consulting firm. 

July 10 Community Meeting

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Held July 10, the fourth community meeting gave attendees the opportunity to reflect on the area's history and imagine a vision for the future by providing input on community priorities and draft scenarios for new housing, businesses, and neighborhood improvements.

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April 24 Virtual Meeting

The third 95th Street Corridor Plan meeting was held virtually on April 24 and focused on the topics of mobility, exploring transportation services and options for moving people throughout the corridor.

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Feb. 3 Community Open House

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On Feb. 3, 2024, Chicagoans gathered at the Endeleo Institute to learn about the 95th Street Corridor Plan and mingle with community members and planning team representatives. All residents are invited to review the interactive boards from the meeting, read the summary and provide input through a community survey.

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Read the summary

Kickoff Meeting

Watch a recording of the initial 95th Street Corridor Plan public meeting from Nov. 1, 2023.

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