Baby Basics

Baby Basics
As children grow, their needs become more diverse. Fortunately, the City of Chicago has a variety of information and programming to support you along the way, from oral health tips to nutrition assistance.

Going Home With Baby
Bringing your baby home from the hospital is an exciting time, but it also comes with many questions. What has your baby been tested for? Are they ready to go home? Do you have everything you need at home to care for a newborn? Get answers to those questions and more.

Safe Sleep
Because newborns don’t always have consistent sleeping patterns, it can be challenging to match their schedule with yours. Find out what to expect and how to make sure your baby sleeps safely and soundly.

All babies cry, and some cry more than others. But it can be hard to know why your baby is crying, what you can do to soothe them, or when you should call someone for help.

Common Health Issues
Whether you’re trying to comfort a sick baby, wondering which vaccines your baby needs, or trying to baby-proof your home, there is a lot to think about when you have a new baby at home. For help with common issues like skin bumps, spitting up, or excessive crying, start here.

Baby’s Oral Health
From the moment your baby’s first tooth starts to come in around 6 months, oral care presents a new challenge for parents. Understand how babies’ teeth come in and what to watch for.

Choosing Child Care
It can be a scary thought to have to leave your baby to go back to work. But it’s helpful to keep in mind that you are not alone; many mothers and fathers return to work after their babies are born. Here are things to keep in mind as you consider child care options.

Safe Haven
For parents who feel like they cannot take care of their baby and cannot complete an adoption plan, there is the option of Safe Haven. Newborns 1 month old or younger can be handed to a staff member at several public facilities with no questions asked.

When to Call the Doctor
You know your baby better than anyone. If you think something is wrong or unusual, it’s best to tell your doctor. Here are some of the most common illnesses babies face and when you should give the doctor a call.

Keeping Your Baby Safe
Babies should be supervised by a trusted adult at all times. Learn about how to keep your baby safe around pets, in the car, and more.

Vaccines prepare your body to recognize and destroy viruses and bacteria before they are able to make you very sick or cause death. In the U.S., children are routinely vaccinated against 16 diseases that are especially dangerous for infants and young children.

Wondering how much to feed your baby? Whether to use formula or breast milk? How to tell when your baby is hungry? Learn the basics of feeding a newborn, including how to breastfeed, when to use formula, and other common questions new parents have.

Family Connects
Family Connects Chicago is an in-home nurse service available to Chicago families with newborns. A registered nurse visits your home around 3 weeks after birth to check on the baby and family at additional cost to you.