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In partnership with the Department of Housing, OERJ hosted a Community Connectors Training on housing where we connected residents and housing providers to resources, information on the eviction process and issues, renters right, and more. You can learn more about those efforts HERE.

The Year of Healing Summit, hosted by the Mayor's Office of Equity and Racial Justice, was a lively and reflective exploration of the City’s Year of Healing Work. This was a space for participants to think, connect, and converse through the interactive format that asks to Talk Healing! To learn more, visit HERE
As part of the Year of Healing, OERJ partnered with three community groups to discuss what healing looks like for them and how the city could be supportive.

City departments engaged in a rigorous 9-month training program with the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) to build Racial Equity Action Plans. After the first cohort completed their training, departments had the chance to highlight their progress and display their REAPs through our first Equity Cohort Closing Symposium on June 16, 2022.
OERJ helped establish Juneteenth as a formal city holiday in the City of Chicago. There were numerous activities and celebrations across the city as part of this momentous occasion. To check out all events that took place in 2022, click HERE.