Commission on Chicago Landmarks

Contact: 312.744.3200

Landmarks Commission meeting

The Commission on Chicago Landmarks (CCL) is responsible for recommending buildings, sites, objects, and districts for legal protection as official Chicago landmarks. Staffed by the Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Planning and Development (DPD), the commission is also responsible for reviewing proposed alterations to existing landmarks and districts, as well as proposed demolitions of structures considered to be historically or architecturally significant. Established in 1968, the commission has nine members that are appointed by the mayor with City Council consent. Meetings are generally held on the first Thursday of every month and begin at 12:45 p.m.



  • Ernest C. Wong, Chair
  • Gabriel Ignacio Dziekiewicz, Vice Chair
  • Suellen Burns
  • Jonathan Fair
  • Tiara Hughes
  • Alicia Ponce
  • Adam Rubin
  • Richard Tolliver


  • Ciere Boatright, DPD Commissioner


As of June 2023, meetings of the Commission on Chicago Landmarks are being held in-person at City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. 

Meetings will be available to watch online via livestream. Please check the agenda for room location.

2024 Meeting Schedule

Jan. 11 Minutes
CCL Video
PRC Video
January Permit Report
Jan. 16 Program Committee Notice & Agenda
Feb. 8 Minutes
CCL Video
PRC Video
March 7 Minutes
CCL Video
PRC Video

April 4 Minutes
CCL Video
PRC Video
May 2 PRC Minutes
PRC Video
May 10 Public Hearing Notice & Agenda
Public Hearing Video
May 16 Program Committee Notice & Agenda
Program Committee Video
June 6 Agenda
CCL Video

*June 14 PRC Agenda
PRC Video
July 11 Agenda
CCL Video
PRC Video
August 8 
September 12 

October 3 
November 7 
December 5 


2023 Meeting Schedule

Jan. 12 Minutes
CCL Comments - Pt. 1
CCL Comments - Pt. 2
CCL Comments - Pt. 3
CCL Video
PRC Video
January Permit Report
Jan. 27 Program Committee Notice & Agenda
Feb. 9 CCL Minutes
CCL Comments
CCL Video
February Permit Report
March 9 Minutes
CCL Video
PRC Video
March Permit Report

March 30 Public Hearing Notice & Agenda
April 13 Minutes
CCL Comments-Pt. 1
CCL Comments-Pt. 2
CCL Video
PRC Video
April Permit Report
May 4 Minutes
CCL Comments-Pt. 1
CCL Comments-Pt. 2
CCL Video
PRC Video
May Permit Report

May 17 Program Committee Notice & Agenda
June 8 Minutes
June Permit Report
July 6 Minutes
CCL Video
PRC Video
July Permit Report
August 3 Minutes
CCL Video
PRC Video
August Permit Report
August 7 Special Meeting Minutes 
September 7 Minutes
CCL Video
PRC Video
September Permit Report

September 19 Program Committee Notice & Agenda
October 5 Minutes
CCL Video
PRC Video
October Permit Report
November 9 Minutes
CCL Video
PRC Video
November Permit Report
November 13
Public Hearing Video
December 7 Minutes
CCL Video
PRC Video
December Permit Report

Commission on Chicago Landmarks - Archive of Meeting Minutes, 2009-2022



Supporting Information Facts

Additional Information

Chicago Landmarks Home Page

Chicago Landmarks Address List

Chicago Landmarks Name List

Chicago Historic Resources Survey

See also:

Landmarks Designation Process

National Register (Chicago) Booklet

City Council Rules of Conduct for Public Meetings, 2023-2027

Guests in City Council chambers are required to go through a security screening and observe the below rules of conduct:

  • No profane, vulgar, threatening, abusive, or disruptive language.
  • No demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior.
  • No disruptive behavior or disrespectful conduct during others' presentations.
  • No banners, flyers, and signage.
  • No backpacks, large bags and sharp objects larger than 12"x6"x12". (Small, clear bags are subject to search.)
  • No food and beverages.
  • Cell phones must be placed on silent prior to entering.
  • Individuals must remain seated. Public comment speakers are permitted to stand only when providing public comment.
  • Small hand-held devices may be used only while seated and the user must refrain from interfering with the ability of others to see or hear the proceedings.

Individuals or groups failing to adhere to these rules will be asked to cease the disruptive conduct and failure to comply will result in their removal by the Sergeant-At-Arms.