City of Chicago TV livestreams and produces original content for City of Chicago TV social media platforms. Additionally, it is responsible for the management of programs on cable channels 23 and 49 in Chicago.
City of Chicago TV offers a broadcast forum for the City of Chicago to highlight public and cultural events, operations, and services of City of Chicago departments and its sister agencies offered to residents.
Channels 23 and 49 can be seen on Comcast, RCN, or WOW cable systems within Chicago.
City of Chicago TV on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
City of Chicago livestreams can be viewed on Chicago.gov/Live.
Channel 23 (CHTV) is the official station of the City of Chicago. The 24-hour public-service channel features award winning programming for Chicago residents.
Channel 49 (WCTV) broadcasts an extensive archive of arts and literary programs.