Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces New And Comprehensive City Lobbying Data Posted Online And Highlights His Administration's First 30 Days
View the First 30 Days of the Emanuel Administration's Accomplishments
Today, Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that the City of Chicago is posting lobbying data online, in a new, easy-to-use, comprehensive and searchable format that will enhance transparency throughout city government.
“I am committed to changing the way City government does business,” said Mayor Emanuel. “Public service is about the people of Chicago; it’s not about personal gain. It’s now easy for the public to find and track extensive information about lobbying activities in this city, including gifts, compensation and expenditures.”
Additionally, the City will enhance the way it collects lobbying data, increasing the amount of available information and decreasing inefficiencies. To view the dataset, please see:
Mayor Emanuel also highlighted the steps his administration has taken over the past 30 days in order to address the core challenges facing our city and build a better City government for Chicago.
“I want my administration to be held accountable for making our city’s goals a reality,” he said. “Chicago is ready for change. We have made great strides in accomplishing what we have set out to do, but there is still more to achieve. From our city’s finances to its schools, from our business climate to our public safety, we will continue to make Chicago the most competitive city in the nation.”
In its first 30 days, the Emanuel administration has:
- Identified $75 million in savings to the City’s budget and implemented initiatives accounting for more than $25 million of those savings
- Redeployed 650 Chicago Police Department officers into Chicago’s communities
- Secured commitments from global companies to bring 2,700 jobs to Chicago
- Outlined historic levels of City-County collaboration to save taxpayers up to $140 million per year by 2014
- Signed six Executive Orders strengthening ethics rules for City employees
- Started construction of city’s first protected bike lanes
For more information on the Emanuel Administration’s first 30 days, please visit:
To see a full list of the 100-Day goals, please see the Chicago 2011 Transition Report.