Mayor Emanuel Announces 100 New Traffic Aide Control Positions Created as a Result of Red Line South Renovations
Aides will Serve in Coordination with CTA Supplemental Bus Service; Complement 400 Additional Bus Drivers Hired by CTA
Mayor Rahm Emanuel, alongside the Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC), announced Tuesday that 100 OEMC Traffic Control Aides (TCA) positions are being made available, the latest jobs created as part of the Red Line South reconstruction project beginning in May of this year. The 100 new TCA positions accompany the already 400 CTA bus driver hires in preparation for the $425 million investment in the Red Line on Chicago’s South Side.
“Since the beginning of my administration I have focused on job creation and investment throughout the City, including the improvement of our transportation services,” said Mayor Emanuel. “These investments accomplish both goals, by quickly putting Chicagoans to work today while improving the quality of life for all residents by ensuring faster and more reliable transportation for years to come.”
The TCA hires come a day after Mayor Emanuel announced that Guggenheim Capital will be moving 100 jobs to the city of Chicago and creating an additional 100 new jobs as well.
The TCA hires will serve as general traffic supervision, helping to facilitate shuttle buses and the expanded supplemental bus service the CTA will be offering customers during the Red Line South reconstruction. The TCA positions are not temporary; hires will be eligible for work following the completion of the Red Line rehabilitation. The TCA hires start out as part-time employees, and earn a starting wage of $18.43 per hour.
Additional outreach to encourage hires has been made by the Mayor’s Office, which sent a follow-up letter and email referencing this announcement to those that attended and submitted resumes at the November City-Wide job fair.
The Red Line South project will also offer hundreds of job opportunities to tradespeople and apprentices in carpentry, electrical, ironwork, laborers, operators, plumbers and other areas.
The TCA positions are online now and will be posted through February 18, 2013.