WebEx Virtual Hearings - Room 101

The parties are required to submit all appearances, motions, exhibits, and any other documents or other media that will be presented to the Administrative Law Judge at a remote hearing at least three (3) business days prior to the hearing date via email.


The email address for Room 101 is: CentralHF101@cityofchicago.org  All submissions should include the docket or violation notice number in the subject line of the email.


Parties are suggested to exchange submissions where appropriate and necessary prior to the hearing via email.


Please see log-in information for Cisco WebEx Meetings and basic instructions below.  PDF basic guide to joining a WebEx meeting. Use the link/web address below to join, enter the meeting ID provided, then enter the password below.


Participant info:


Meeting ID:        146 141 2895

Password:           YVk7PGFHw77


Please log in to the hearing session at least five (5) minutes prior to the start time.

 When asked for a name in the app, please enter your full name and docket or ticket number.


Your hearing is a recorded proceeding.  The recording will be audio only. 

In order to get a clear recording for the record, it is important that all participants follow the guidelines below.

  • Find a quiet location from which to participate.
  • Minimize background noise.
  • Mute yourself when you are not speaking.
  • Avoid multi-tasking such as checking email.
  • Only one person should speak at a time.
  • When speaking, always identify yourself first before continuing.
  • Speak clearly and look into the camera.

 The ALJ reserves the right to mute any participant that is not able to follow these protocols and/or introduces disruptive levels of noise or speech.

Supporting Information Facts