Who is CCHR?

The Commission on Human Relations promotes appreciation of Chicago's diversity and works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination. Commissioners, advisory councils, and staff conduct pro-active programs of education, intervention, and constituency building to discourage bigotry and bring people from different groups together.
The Commission enforces the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance and the Chicago Fair Housing Ordinance, which prohibit discrimination within the city of Chicago in the following areas:
  • Housing
  • Employment
  • Credit Transactions
  • Bonding
  • Public Accommodations
Persons who feel they have been discriminated against in Chicago because of their membership in a protected class may file a Complaint with the Commission.  The Commission investigates discrimination complaints, then if there is substantial evidence of a violation, the Commission conducts an administrative hearing and issues a ruling, which may impose fines, damages, and injunctive relief if a violation was proved. The Commission implements the Hate Crimes Ordinance by monitoring hate crimes in Chicago and aiding victims.
A complaint must be filed within 365  days of the alleged discrimination. Prevailing complainants may receive out-of-pocket damages, emotional distress damages, injunctive relief, attorney's fees and costs, and in some cases, punitive damages. A respondent found liable must also pay a fine to the City.

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