Find Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE firms)/IL UCP Directory
The City of Chicago’s DBE Directory is now linked to the Illinois Department of Transportation’s web page.
Disclaimer Statement
Firms listed in this Illinois Unified Certification Program (IL UCP) Directory have been certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), which makes them eligible to satisfy DBE goal credit for contracts funded by the United States Department of Transportation. The IL UCP participating agencies are the following: Illinois Department of Transportation, City of Chicago, Chicago Transit Authority, Metra, and Pace. The criteria, standards, and procedures by which these certification decisions are made can be obtained from the IL UCP certifying agencies.
This Directory is to be used as an “informational source only” and the following must be considered:
Certification does not mean that a firm is in any way prequalified to provide the products and/or services the firm claims it can provide. “Certification” means that the IL UCP has determined, on the basis of information provided and the representations therein, that a business is a bona fide DBE. The IL UCP does not, as a result of this listing, make any representation concerning the ability of any listed firm to perform work in the specialty listed.
The IL UCP disclaims any and all responsibility concerning errors, omissions, or misrepresentations, which may be contained in this publication. It is the responsibility of all contractors proposing the use of certified firms on projects to:
a) conduct their own investigation to determine the capability and capacity of DBE firms to satisfactorily perform the proposed work; and
b) ensure that all proposed DBE firms have a current DBE certification letter.
The Directory lists the most current information for DBE certification. If there are any questions concerning this directory please contact any of the participating agencies.