Education and Training

Publications & Reports

Chicago Governmental Ethics Ordinance Overview   scales of justice

City of Chicago Board of Ethics: A General Guide for the Public

City Employees and Elected Officials Ethics Guide

Getting Ethics Advice

Board of Ethics Enforcement Procedures

The Board's Essential PowerPoint

Appointed/Elected Officials       elected

An Ethics Guide for appointed Members of Boards and Commissions

Appointed Officials Ethics and Open Meetings

Aldermanic “Rule 14” Recusals

The Official Seal of the City of Chicago - A User's Guide

Official and Political Communications

Businesses With or Seeking City Contracts      contract

For Businesses / Contractors: Guide to the Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances

City’s Campaign Financing and Political Contributions Restrictions

Conflicts of Interest / Improper Influence         conflict

Volunteering for Outside Organizations

Contracting with the City of Chicago - A Guide for City Employees and Officials          

The Official Seal of the City of Chicago - A User's Guide


Stock Ownership

Gifts             gift

Gift Restrictions

Gifts Between Co-Workers

For Businesses / Contractors: Guide to the Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances

2023 Guide to Holiday Gifting

Lobbying             lobby

Am I a Lobbyist?  Must I Register with the Board of Ethics

Dealing with Lobbyists or Being Lobbied

For Businesses / Contractors: Guide to the Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances


Outside Employment          jobs

City Personnel with Second Jobs

Contracting with the City of Chicago - Guide for City Employees and Officials

Political Activity and Campaign Financing        vote

Political Activity: Guide for City Employees and Officials

City's Campaign Financing and Political Contributions Restrictions

Candidates for Elected City Office

For Businesses / Contractors: Guide to the Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances

Board Advisory Regarding 2024 Ward Committee Person Elections

Do’s & Don'ts For City Employees & Officials Regarding an Upcoming City Ward Remap Referendum

The Official Seal of the City of Chicago - A User's Guide

Post-Employment            post employment

Chicago's Post-Employment ("Revolving Door") Restrictions

Post-Employment PowerPoint

Trade-Skill Exemption to the "Revolving Door" Laws

Travel                travel

City Business Travelers


Social Media Accounts

Social Media Guide


Department Facts

Additional Information