October 2022 Plan Commission Hearing

Due to the ongoing public health crisis, this meeting will be held virtually starting at 10 a.m. on Thursday, October 20.

Rules for virtual meetings are available now for review. A summary of the public comment portion is available below:

  • Written statements are the preferred method of public comment and will be accepted up to 24 hours in advance of the meeting at CPC@cityofchicago.org. Statements will be posted online for public review prior to the start of each meeting.
  • Members of the public wishing to speak must submit a speaking request form. Forms must be submitted by 10 a.m. the Tuesday preceding the meeting to CPC@cityofchicago.org.
  • Verbal statements for all agenda items will take place at the beginning of each meeting, versus after each presentation.
  • A maximum of 15 members of the public will be permitted to comment on each proposal due to technical limitations. Selected speakers for each item will be chosen on a first-come, first-serve basis. Each will be given instructions on how to provide up to three minutes of testimony.

Questions on the rules can be directed to CPC@cityofchicago.org.

A video replay of the event is available on YouTube.

Address (Community Area, Ward) Agenda Description Materials (posted by Wednesday, October 5) Draft Presentation (posted by Monday, October 17)

8147 and 8134-8158 S. Vincennes Ave.;
442-454 and 460-504 W. 82nd St.;
8133-41 S. Normal Ave.
(Chatham, 21st Ward)

A proposed Amendment to Institutional Planned Development #783 submitted by the Applicant, Alderman Howard B. Brookins, Jr. of the 21st Ward on behalf of the Board of Education for the City of Chicago for property generally located at 8147 S. Vincennes Avenue (“Simeon Career Academy”); and 8134 -8158 S. Vincennes Avenue, 442-454 W. 82nd Street, 460-504 W. 82nd St., 8133-41 S. Normal Ave. The applicants are proposing to rezone the site from its current M1-1 Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District, RS-3 Residential Single Unit (Detached House) District and Institutional Planned Development #783 (IPD # 783) designations to an RT-4 Residential, Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District and then to Institutional Planned Development #783, As Amended, in order to expand the boundaries and permit the use of a driver’s education facility within the Simeon Career Academy campus (IPD#783).  The driver’s education facility will be located across the street from the school building on vacant land.  No other changes are proposed to IPD #783.

PD Amendment Application


833-855 W. Madison St.;
832-854 W. Monroe St.; and
2-40 S. Green St.
(Near West Side, 27th Ward)

A proposed amendment to Residential Business Planned Development 1377, submitted by 845 West Madison Street Owner, LLC, for the property generally located at 833-855 West Madison Street; 832-854 West Monroe Street; and 2-40 South Green Street. The applicant proposes to amend Residential Business Planned Development to permit the following additional uses: animal services (except boarding or kennel); financial services (except payday/title secured loan store or pawn shop); medical services; personal services; postal service; repair or laundry service [consumer]; and sports and recreation [participant, indoor].  No other changes to Residential Business Planned Development 1377 are proposed.

PD Amendment Application


330 W. Chestnut St.
(Near North, 27th Ward)

A proposed Residential Planned Development, submitted by DK Chestnut LLC, for the property generally located at 330 West Chestnut Street. The applicant is proposing to rezone the site from C1-5 (Neighborhood Commercial District) to DX-5 (Downtown Mixed-Use District) and then to a Residential Planned Development. The applicant proposes to construct a 9-story, 115’-tall building with 129 residential units, ground floor commercial space, 80 bicycle parking spaces, and 11 accessory vehicular parking spaces. A 2.55 FAR (Floor Area Ratio) bonus will be taken and the overall FAR of the planned development will be 7.55.

PD Application


301-323 S. Green St.
(Near West Side, 27th Ward)

A proposed Residential-Business Planned Development, submitted by 301 S. GREEN LLC, for the property generally located at 301-323 S. Green Street. The applicant proposes to rezone the site from DS-3 (Downtown Service District) to DX-7 (Downtown Mixed-Use district) then to a Residential-Business Planned Development. The applicant proposes to construct a 36-story, 404’ - tall building containing 362 residential units, 256 bicycle parking spaces, 128 accessory vehicular parking spaces, 2 loading berths and retail, commercial and accessory uses on the ground floor. A 4.5 FAR (Floor Area Ratio) bonus will be taken and the overall FAR of the planned development will be 11.5.

PD Application


500-520 N. Desplaines St. and
509 N. Union Ave.
(West Town, 27th Ward)

A proposed Residential-Business Planned Development submitted by SA East Owner LLC, for the property generally located at 500-520 N. Desplaines Street and 509 N. Union Avenue. The applicant is proposing to rezone the site from C1-5, (Neighborhood Commercial District) and to a DX-7, (Downtown Mixed-Use District) prior to establishing the Residential-Business Planned Development to permit the construction of a two-phased development consisting of two subareas. A phase 1 (Subarea A) to include the rehabilitation of an orange rated building located at 509 N. Union Avenue into a boutique hotel with 141 hotel keys with accessory uses. Subarea B will include a multi-story mixed-uses building, up to 1,110 dwelling units, 145 parking spaces, open space, commercial and retail uses with accessory and incidental uses. A 4.5 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) bonus will be taken and the overall FAR of the planned development will be 11.5.

PD Application


708-732 W. Hubbard St.;
456-476 and 461-483 N. Milwaukee Ave.; and
448-470 and 449-467 N. Union Ave.
(West Town, 27th Ward)

A proposed Residential-Business Planned Development submitted by MH Building LLC, for the property generally located at 708-732 W Hubbard, 456-476 N Milwaukee, 461-483 N Milwaukee, and 448-470 N Union, 449-467 N Union. The applicant is proposing to rezone the site from an (M2-3 Light Industry District) and C1-5, (Neighborhood Commercial District) and to a DX-7, (Downtown Mixed-Use District) prior to establishing the Residential-Business Planned Development to permit the construction of a multi-phased and multi-building development consisting of three subareas, up to 1,159 dwelling units, 175 parking spaces, plazas spaces, commercial and retail uses with accessory and incidental uses. A 4.5 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) bonus will be taken and the overall FAR of the planned development will be 11.5.

PD Application


5058 and 5091-5099 W. Jackson Blvd.
(Austin, 28th Ward)

A proposed amendment to Institutional Planned Development No. 1103, submitted by Chicago Jesuit Academy for the property generally located at 5058 W. Jackson Blvd. The applicant proposes to expand the Chicago Jesuit Academy campus for a 15-car parking stall addition to the Sub-Area B parking lot, generally located at 5091-99 W Jackson Blvd; this results in an overall expansion of the boundary of the PD by a total of 3,720 square feet.

PD Amendment Application


3831 W. Chicago Ave.
(Humboldt Park, 37th Ward)

A proposed Residential-Business Planned Development, submitted by 548 Development, LLC, for the property generally located at 3831 W Chicago Ave, in the Humboldt Park neighborhood of Chicago. The applicant is proposing to rezone the site from a C1-1 (Neighborhood Commercial District) to B3-2 (Community Shopping District), then to a Residential-Business Planned Development. The applicant proposes to construct a 4-story, approximately 58’-0”-tall building with 60 residential units, 7,734 sf of ground floor commercial space, and 48 parking spaces.

PD Application


1045-1047 N. Rush St.
(Near North Side, 42nd Ward)
A proposed Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection Ordinance application, submitted by 1045-47 North Rush LLC, for the property located at 1045-47 N. Rush St. The site is currently zoned DX-7 and is within the Private Use Zone of the Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection District. The applicant proposes to construct a 7-story structure with retail, restaurant space, one dwelling unit with rooftop amenity space, two vehicular parking spaces, and 1 loading berth.  LPO Application Presentation
  An informational presentation on the Roseland Community Medical District Master Plan. The Plan sets forth the vision, physical framework, development strategy and design guidelines for the planning, design, construction, and operation of a mixed-use campus focused on high-quality patient care, outpatient services and related investment to address longstanding community needs. The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) will provide an overview of the draft plan and the planning process. DPD intends to return to seek approval of the plan from the Chicago Plan Commission in November 2022.   Presentation
  An information presentation on the Clark Street Crossroads corridor study. The Study will provide a common, community-driven framework for future land use, development, mobility, and public space for the Clark Street corridor from Montrose Avenue to Foster Avenue in Uptown. This corridor is located at a crossroads of multiple wards and neighborhoods with a diverse set of stakeholder perspectives and priorities. The study recommendations will reflect shared goals and provide clarity for neighbors, developers, and businesses on a future roadmap. The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) will provide an overview of the study’s scope and planning process thus far. A draft report is being developed for public review in the coming weeks and DPD plans to seek adoption from the Commission in January 2023.   Presentation

Chicago Plan Commission
October 20, 2022
Public Notice | Agenda | Map | Planning Region Map | Video | Minutes