COVID-19 Vaccine Coverage
This page displays information on the number of Chicagoans up to date with the 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccination recommendations as of 8/31/2024.

This page shows how many people are up to date with the 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccination recommendations. The percentage of people vaccinated is known as vaccination coverage.
Learn more about what COVID-19 vaccines are recommended for you and your family on the CDC's COVID-19 Vaccines page.
For more detailed information about the data, including sources and definitions see the About the Data tab below.
Coverage by Demographics
The chart below shows the percentage of Chicago residents who are up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations by demographic group. This metric is also referred to as vaccination coverage. Data displayed are coverage estimates through the most current date.
Coverage Over Time
This graph shows the percentages of Chicago residents who are up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations since the 2023-2024 vaccines became available on September 13, 2023. Use the filter on the right to see how coverage has changed over time among different demographic groups.
Coverage by ZIP Code
The map below shows the percentages of Chicago residents up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations by ZIP Code and age subgroup.
Equity in Coverage
This dashboard provides insights on the equity in vaccine uptake and disparities in coverage across the city. To navigate, click the tabs at the top of the dashboard.
About the Data
Vaccine data comes from the Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange (I-CARE), a statewide database of immunization records. I-CARE includes doses administered in Illinois and some doses administered outside of Illinois and reported in I-CARE by Illinois providers. The Veterans Health Administration began reporting doses in I-CARE beginning September 2022.
The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) uses the most complete data available to estimate COVID-19 vaccination coverage among Chicagoans, but there are several limitations that impact our estimates. Individuals may receive vaccinations that are not recorded in I-CARE, such as those administered in another state, causing underestimation of the number individuals who are up to date. Inconsistencies in records of separate doses administered to the same person, such as slight variations in dates of birth, can result in duplicate records for a person and underestimate the number of people who are up to date.
Coverage estimates are capped at 99%. Actual counts may exceed population estimates and lead to >100% coverage, especially in small population subgroups.
More detailed descriptions of the data and downloadable files are available on the Chicago Data Portal.
Vaccination Status Definitions:
“Up to date” refers to individuals who meet the CDC’s updated COVID-19 vaccination criteria based on their age and prior vaccination history. For surveillance purposes, up to date is defined based on the following criteria:
People ages 5 years and older:
- Are up to date when they receive a single dose of an updates (2023-2024 formula) vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Novavax) regardless of their prior vaccination history.
Children aged 6 months to 4 years:
- Children who have received at least two prior COVID-19 vaccine doses are up to date when they receive one additional dose of updated COVID-19 vaccine (2023-2024 formula), regardless of vaccine product.
- Children who have received only one prior COVID-19 vaccine dose are up to date when they receive one additional dose of updated Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (2023-2024 formula) or two additional doses of updated Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (2023-2024 formula).
- Children who have never received a COVID-19 vaccination are up to date when they receive either two doses of the updated Moderna vaccine (2023-2024 formula) or three doses of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (2023-2024 formula).
Population Estimates:
Population denominators are from the U.S. Census Bureau 2020 decennial census.