For Developers

One of the Department of Housing's chief responsibilities is to work with private developers to increase the supply of affordable housing in every Chicago neighborhood through a litany of targeted programs.

606-Pilsen Demolition Permit Surcharge Ordinance

The 606-Pilsen Demolition Permit Surcharge Ordinance places a surcharge on permits for the demolition of residential buildings surrounding The 606 Trail and Pilsen Pilot areas.

Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund

The Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund (AHOF) was established by using fees collected from developers through the City’s Affordable Requirements Ordinance, commonly referred to as the ARO.

Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO)

The City of Chicago's Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO) requires residential developments that receive city financial assistance or involve city-owned land to provide a percentage of units at affordable prices.

Chicago Neighborhood Rebuild Pilot Program

The Chicago Neighborhood Rebuild Pilot Program is designed to facilitate the acquisition and rehabilitation of vacant single-family homes and two-flats in neighborhoods that need investment and provide employment and training opportunities for local youth.

Chicago Relocation Plan Ordinance

The 2019 Chicago Relocation Plan Ordinance protects senior tenants of affordable housing buildings that are undergoing renovation and rehabilitation.

City Lots for Working Families

The City Lots for Working Families (CL4WF) program provides vacant, City-owned lots to developers of affordable single-family homes and two flats for $1 each.

Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Certification

A Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) is private, nonprofit housing development corporation that meets requirements set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Delegate Agency Documents

Delegate Agency documents for contract processing.

Illinois Affordable Housing Tax Credits (Donations Tax Credit)

The Illinois Affordable Housing Tax Credit (IAHTC), also known as the Donations Tax Credit, provides a $0.50 state income tax credit for each $1 contributed to a qualified affordable housing project. Donations, which may be cash, securities, or real or personal property, must total at least $10,000 and may be aggregated.

Multi-Family Financial Assistance Applications

The Department of Housing invites housing developers to apply for public funds and other subsidies to build and rehabilitate affordable rental properties in the City of Chicago.

Multi-Family TIF Purchase-Rehab Program

The Multi-Family TIF Purchase-Rehab Program helps private developers purchase and rehabilitate vacant and foreclosed rental buildings within designated Tax Increment Financing (TIF) districts.

Northwest Side Preservation Ordinance

The Northwest Side Preservation Ordinance makes amendments to the Demolition Surcharge Ordinance passed by City Council in 2021.

SRO Preservation Initiative

The City of Chicago, in partnership with other government and community-based organizations, supports preservation efforts of SRO properties through investment and various financing mechanisms that creates and preserves affordability for low and moderate income households.

Troubled Buildings Initiative (TBI)

The Troubled Building Initiative uses several preservation strategies to restore at risk buildings to viable status and prevent them from being abandoned.



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