COVID-19 Vaccine Coverage By Demographic Groups
This webpage displays COVID-19 vaccination data prior to 9/13/2023 and is being maintained for archival purposes.
The Chicago Department of Public Health uses geographic information and data to identify progress made in vaccinating Chicagoans against COVID-19 and where improvements can be made in our efforts to create an equitable, safe, resilient and Healthy Chicago. This page contains all visualizations that showcase COVID-19 vaccination coverage by geography. Learn more about what COVID-19 vaccines are recommended for you and your family on the CDC's COVID-19 Vaccines page.
On this page:
For more detailed information about the data, including sources and definitions see About The Data.
COVID-19 Vaccinations By Demographic Group
The chart below shows the percent of Chicago residents vaccinated for COVID-19 by demographic group. This metric is also referred to as vaccination coverage. Updated, bivalent doses became available in Fall 2022 and were created with the original strain of COVID-19 and newer Omicron variant strains.
Data displayed are coverage estimates through the most current date. Use the date filter on top of the chart to look at coverage estimates at prior dates.
Vaccination coverage percentages are not calculated for race-ethnicity groups with small populations in Chicago. Differences in how race-ethnicity data are collected on vaccination forms and the U.S. Census may result in over or underestimates of coverage in these groups.
This table shows the number and percent of Chicago residents who are vaccinated for COVID-19. Data displayed are cumulative totals through the most current date. Use the date filter on top of the table to look at totals at prior dates.
COVID-19 Vaccinations By Age and Race-Ethnicity
The chart below shows the percentages of Chicago residents vaccinated for COVID-19, by age and race-ethnicity subgroup and vaccination status. The dashed line displays the citywide coverage estimate for each age group and vaccination status.
Use the filters above the chart to display coverage estimates for different age groups. Use the button at the top right to switch between displaying the data in chart or table format.
Data are updated Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. and reflect coverage rates through the previous Saturday.
Vaccine data comes from the Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange (I-CARE), a statewide database of immunization records. I-CARE includes doses administered in Illinois and some doses administered outside of Illinois and reported in I-CARE by Illinois providers. Doses administered by the federal Bureau of Prisons and Department of Defense are not currently reported in I-CARE. The Veterans Health Administration began reporting doses in I-CARE beginning September 2022.
The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) uses the most complete data available to estimate COVID-19 vaccination coverage among Chicagoans, but there are several limitations that impact our estimates. Individuals may receive vaccinations that are not recorded in I-CARE, such as those administered in another state, causing underestimation of individuals with a completed primary series or updated booster. Inconsistencies in records of separate doses administered to the same person, such as slight variations in dates of birth, can result in duplicate first dose records for a person and overestimate of the number of people with at least one dose and underestimate the number of people with a completed primary series or booster dose.
More detailed descriptions of the data and downloadable files are available on the Chicago Data Portal.
Vaccination Status Definitions:
- At Least One Dose: People who’ve received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, including those with more than one dose.
- Completed Primary Series: People who’ve completed a primary series of COVID-19 vaccinations.
- Updated (Bivalent) Booster: People who’ve received at least one updated (bivalent) COVID-19 vaccine dose. Updated bivalent doses became available in Fall 2022 and were created with the original strain of COVID-19 and newer Omicron variant strains.
Coverage estimates by age and race-ethnicity are capped at 99%. Actual counts may exceed population estimates and lead to >100% coverage, especially in small race-ethnicity subgroups of each age group.
Population Estimates:
Unless otherwise specified, population denominators are from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey 1-year estimate for 2019 and can be seen in the Citywide, 2019 row of the Chicago Population Counts dataset.
Population denominators for coverage data by age and race-ethnicity groups are included within the COVID-19 Vaccinations by Age and Race-Ethnicity dataset.
Chicago COVID-19 Community Vulnerability Index (CCVI)
Chicago CCVI helps identify Chicago communities that have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and are uniquely vulnerable to barriers to COVID-19 vaccine uptake for focused intervention.
Vaccine Acceptability and COVID Social Impact in Chicago
Findings from Healthy Chicago Survey, 2020.
Employment by Major Occupation Groups, Chicago Community Areas
Data from the American Community Survey describing employment by major occupational groups associated with eligibility for COVID-19 vaccine during phases 1A-1C.