Disease Control Bureau

The Disease Control Bureau at the Chicago Department of Public Health works to protect the public from infectious diseases including vaccine-preventable diseases, foodborne illness, and other communicable diseases.
Disease Control encompasses the Epidemiology and Laboratory Science Division, the Infectious Disease Response Division, and the Disease Control in High-Risk Settings Division.. Experts in the Disease Control Bureau work to detect and respond to more than 70 diseases and disease syndromes to identify trends and assess the public health impact and develop strategies for preventing and controlling infectious diseases. In addition, CDPH conducts infectious disease investigations, implements control measures, and responds to Public Health emergencies. CDPH educates individuals, communities, health care providers, the media, and policy makers to enhance disease prevention and control efforts.
Mandated reporters such as health care providers, hospitals, and laboratories are legally required to report suspected or confirmed cases of certain infectious diseases electronically through Illinois’ National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (I-NEDSS). Information on reportable diseases, including the time frame for reporting, method of reporting, and laboratory reporting is available on our Reportable Diseases page.
Reporting an Issue
CDPH investigates clusters of disease and recommends control and prevention measures:
- To report clusters of illness to the Communicable Disease Program, call 312-746-SICK and select option 6.
- To submit a food safety complaint, call 311 or submit a Service Request Form.
- To report clusters of illness in youth settings, use the School/ECE Disease Reporting Form. Email schoolscd@cityofchicago.org with any questions.
- To report clusters of illness in or concerns pertaining to congregate youth, behavioral, or shelter settings, email specialpops@cityofchicago.org.
CDPH also consults with the medical community on communicable disease issues. If you are reporting after hours or have an urgent concern, call 311 (or 312-744-5000 if outside of the city) and ask to speak with the Medical Director on-call.